Banarsidas Chandiwala Institute of Physiotherapy, has a auditorium which hosts all cultural and academic events. The auditoriums feature fixed traditional theatre style seating, raised stage, adjustable lighting, Fire Exits, sound system, large screen for video and computer presentations, and vaulted ceiling. The auditoriums are designed in such a way that they ensure a perfect view of the main stage irrespective of the seating location of the audience. The design and acoustics of the hall provide the audience comfort and good view. With a seating capacity of more than 250 guests, it is one of the best parts of the infrastructure. The control room which is directly above the balcony gives a frontal view of the stage. BCIP has a well-equipped auditorium with a big seating capacity.

The auditorium also has a pleasant acoustic system, making it ideal for hosting campus-wide events It is spacious, well-lit, and features well-appointed hall. This auditorium has all the facilities to enhance the learning process. The Auditorium is a venue for conferences, seminars and Workshops is a vast space that serves the varied requirements of quality education. State-of-art centrally air-conditioned auditorium equipped with all the modern facilities required for E-learning through latest technology to enable this student to keep them abreast of the latest globally emerging trends. Many events have been planned to be organized in auditorium like national/International Conferences, workshops, training sessions and Cultural events.